28 abril 2009


Me gustaba visitar a Wendy. Iba a verla cada primavera, mientras ella iba creciendo. Aquella fue mi última visita...

[Peter recalls a memory from his childhood]

Wendy Darling: Peter, I can't come with you. I've forgotten how to fly. I'm old, Peter. Ever so much more than twenty. I grew up a long time ago.

Young Peter Pan: No, no, no! You promised!

Wendy Darling: I have children of my own now. They have children of their own. That's my grandchild, Moira, asleep in the bed.

Peter Banning: [voiceover] When I saw her lying there sleeping, that moment, something changed in me forever.

Young Peter Pan: I shall give her a kiss.
[takes out a thimble]

Wendy Darling: No. No, Peter. No buttons. No thimbles. I couldn't bear to see Moira's heart to be broken when she finds she can't keep you.

Young Peter Pan: No. I mean a real kiss.

... Y con ese real kiss, empezó la pesadilla de Campanilla. Así se escribe la historia.

Palabra del día: WENDI (que aunque los mayores dicen que acaba en Y, en mi país de nunca jamás acaba en I)

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